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Search Phrase: roasted+pork+ham
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Pork Products
Pork, cured, ham -- water added, whole, boneless, separable lean and fat, heated, roasted 1,993

Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, whole, boneless, separable lean and fat, heated, roasted 1,783

Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, shank, bone-in, separable lean and fat, heated, roasted 1,023

Pork, cured, ham -- water added, shank, bone-in, separable lean and fat, heated, roasted 1,006

Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, rump, bone-in, separable lean and fat, heated, roasted 914

Pork, cured, ham -- water added, rump, bone-in, separable lean and fat, heated, roasted 899

Pork, cured, ham, regular (approximately 13% fat), canned, roasted 879

Pork, cured, ham -- water added, rump, bone-in, separable lean only, heated, roasted 850

Pork, cured, ham -- water added, shank, bone-in, separable lean only, heated, roasted 842

Pork, cured, ham -- water added, whole, boneless, separable lean only, heated, roasted 766

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